Youth are the center of Development

Through our activities focusing on rural and urban youth, women and people of all capabilities in Laos, HJA is able to facilitate various opportunities for capacity building and community development

The Annual Review Meeting for 2023 and Planning for 2024 of HJA

On June 7, 2024, HJA held an annual review meeting for 2023 at the Grand Vientiane Hotel, Vientiane capital. The meeting had a total of 23 participants, 13 women. The purposes of meeting were: - To report the results of program implementation by HJA for 2023. - To plan future activities for 2024.

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“Somchit’s journey in volunteering”

“My volunteer experiences solidified my belief in lifelong learning. It goes beyond just my field of study and equips me with new skills and knowledge, fostering personal and professional growth. Participating in diverse activities across various locations has undoubtedly accelerated my development”

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Mrs. Chan Onsomboun built a shade house for her crops

Thanks to CORE-19 project, which provided us with vegetables seeds and the equipment to build a greenhouse. We have seen a significant difference in our lives. The greenhouse allows us to grow vegetables year-round, regardless of the weather, and it prevents our produce from rotting or getting burnt.

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The greenhouse protects vegetable farmer’s livelihood

Thanks to a new greenhouse, my vegetables crops are thriving. I mainly cultivate rice for a living and grow vegetables to supplement my income. Over the past two years, the rising cost of living has had a direct impact on us farmers who already earn low wages. The income generated from selling rice barely covers our daily expenses. Although I do cultivate vegetables, it doesn’t offer a stable income due to the impact of unpredictable weather conditions, which greatly affect our production.

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Youth & Environmental Education

Youth volunteers from the Huam Jai Asasamak Association and Phan-Thin Social Enterprise facilitated activities and guided 30 students from the target group in exploring and studying the environment. These activities included studying birds, plants, soil, aquatic animals, and water quality. The goal was to create an understanding of the environment's benefits and how to protect it.

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Partnership for Citizen Engagement (PACE) project

Partnership for Citizen Engagement (PACE) project Project Location: Bokeo, Khammuane, Savannakhet, Xiengkhuang, Saravane and Vientiane Province Target Group: People’s Provincial Assemblies (PPAs): The action focuses on 6 provinces: Bokeo, Khammuane, Savannakhet, Xiengkhuang, Saravane and Vientiane.  Lao Civil Society Organisations (CSO). Lao Citizens. Objective: The role and capacity of Lao Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) has been strengthened …

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You can feel that HJA believes in sustainable action because it supports volunteers who want to have an impact on their own community.

Mr. Sonevongxay

I’m very proud of myself, especially since HJA had provided me with trainings to help develop my skills.

Mr. Touthor

HJA is important to me because it's a place where I can express myself, improve my critical thinking and problem solving.

Ms. Cheanglaep

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