The Voice of Young People for Community Development in Hiem district, Houaphan province (VYCom)

Target Group: Community Young People (YP) in Hiem district, Huaphan province

Geographic area: MeungHiem, NaThouan, VienThong, Khong, PoungHai Villages,

District, Houaphan Province, Lao PDR


  • Strengthen professional and vocational skills development of 20 Youths from 5 villages.
  • promote and support 20 young people implement community action for equality promotion and participation in community development sustainability interviews are conducted and new volunteers are recruited.


Training for 20 youths on topics Gender and Rights (gender and basic human rights principle), personal development, volunteerism, and teamwork.

The vocational training on topics: plantation, poultry raising, and handicraft based on their needs and assessment.

Conducting Saoban research by youth in community with specific theme (promotion and support the YP’s participation in social activities and CD, gender and human rights).

Providing the materials for conducting income generation activity.

The consultation/orientation workshop for project implementation.

Personal development mentoring and coaching.

Community action on awareness raising by young people.

project learning and sharing through monitoring and evaluation mechanism .