Project Location: Bokeo, Khammuane, Savannakhet, Xiengkhuang, Saravane and Vientiane Province
Target Group:
- People’s Provincial Assemblies (PPAs): The action focuses on 6 provinces: Bokeo, Khammuane, Savannakhet, Xiengkhuang, Saravane and Vientiane.
- Lao Civil Society Organisations (CSO).
- Lao Citizens.
- The role and capacity of Lao Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) has been strengthened to promote and protect the rights of Lao citizens through policy dialogue and accountability processes at local and national level.
- The capacity of the People’s Provincial Assemblies (PPAs) has been enhanced to perform oversight of government agencies, programs, activities, policies and laws implemented at constituency level.
The action is distinct in that it will engage directly with the newly established PPAs (local councils) at constituency level. PPAs have a strategic position linking constituencies to the NA at national level. They will partner with Lao CSOs to promote citizen engagement at grassroots level on relevant topics. This will enhance the capacity of PPA Members for direct oversight of government agencies, programs, services, activities, policies and laws implemented at constituency level (Outcome 2). As a consequence NA oversight will improve. The action will also support the establishment and build the capacity of Lao CSOs. It will strengthen their role and capacity to promote and protect the rights of Lao citizens through policy dialogue and accountability processes at local and national level (Outcome 1). Strengthening Lao CSOs will support PPA Members to respond to constituency concerns.
The project will provide opportunities for interaction between PPA Members, Lao CSOs and Lao citizens through outreach missions, volunteering and small project Changes in policy and practice will result from changes in gender and power relations. Participatory methodologies (i.e. Thai Baan Research, WEMAN/ Gender Action Learning System (GALS), Most Significant Change MSC, and volunteering) will be adapted to support citizen engagement and participation. They will also link community level initiatives to national level policy dialogue. A monitoring and evaluation strategy will be developed to track changes in all target groups and link these to the action and related processes. The issues to be addressed will be identified at constituency level. For example, outreach missions may focus on issues prioritised in the community needs assessment (i.e. nutrition) and technical seminars may address issues arising in dialogue with constituents (i.e. access to resources). The action will mainstream two cross-cutting issues (1) freedom of expression, association and assembly; and (2) gender equality and social inclusion of vulnerable groups. These are essential for civil society and citizen engagement. They are also relevant to national development goals and the global and specific objectives of the call.
providing small grants to project partner/district staff to build a water wall/water supply system in young volunteer village (project location in NamPhaow and Nasom villages, Vangvieng district, Vientiane province and Buakser village, NongHat district, Xiengkhouang province). The main aim is “to ensure that the villagers have year-round access to clean water, leading to a heal their and more developed village where residents enjoy a better quality of life”.